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Get Month Name from Date

Method 1 (TEXT Function): Here values from which Name of the Month is to be extracted are in range C5:C9. If we wish to extract the name of the month using function, the below function will be used: Function: TEXT(Value, FormatText) Here the date or the address/reference of cell where the


BitLocker Drive Encryption How can you help protect your data from loss, theft, or hackers? The answer: BitLocker. Improved for Windows 7 and available in the Ultimate and Enterprise editions, BitLocker helps keep everything from documents to passwords safer by encrypting the entire drive that Windows and your data reside on. Once BitLocker

Boost the Speed of your PC

ReadyBoost is one of the best features of versions of Windows Vista onwards.  ReadyBoost can be used to boost the performance of your PC by making use of USB Flash Drive as extra fast-access Cache Memory for frequently used files and data.  When plugged in, USB displays a ‘Auto Play’

Date Shortcuts in Navision 2013

Did you know, in Navision 2013 MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA and SU are codes for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of current week respectively.  You can use these codes anywhere in Navision where you need to put the dates. For example, if you are running ‘Stock Ledger Report’ you may use MO for ‘Start

Opening the RoleTailored Client in Configuration Mode

To configure a profile, you must open the RoleTailored client in configuration mode. To open the RoleTailored client in configuration mode At the command prompt, navigate to the root folder of the RoleTailored client. For example: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70\RoleTailored Client Type the following command: Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -profile:profileid Replace profileid with the name of the profile

NAV Functional Terminology

For various application functions, NAV uses terminology that is more akin to accounting than to traditional data processing terminology.  Some examples are as follows: Journal:  A table of unposted transaction entries, each of which represents an event, an entity, or an action to be processed.  There are General Ledgers for general

Navision 2013 – Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows Client Development Environment Action Right Arrow Right Arrow Move to the next field or character Left Arrow Left Arrow Move to the previous field or character Up Arrow Up Arrow Move to the field above in the same column Down Arrow Down Arrow Move to the field below in the same column Delete Delete Clear selected text Esc Esc Close the window or undo the data

Using Filters in Navision

Here is the breakdown of filters available.  When you enter criteria, you can use all the numbers and letters that you can normally use in the field. In addition, you can use some special symbols or mathematical expressions. Here are the available formats: Symbol Meaning Sample Expression Records Displayed = Equal to 377 Number
